-+ grapefruit planet +-

home gallery music downloads media


- fla -

ladybug symphony mv (may 2024)

ideocean prototype intro (april 2024)

- songs -

lazy (may 2024)

bike (may 2024)

astronaut (june 2024)

park (may 2024)

heartbeat (march 2024)

dadada (february 2024)

rental (march 2024)

- misc. -

weird tree tween test thing i made in 2019

zelda thing i tried to make in early 2019 but got too lazy to finish lol

pfp animation from 2021

heirophance test from spring 2021

another heirophance test from summer 2021

unused final sprites for unfinished game from february 2022

extremely unfinished idea for unfinished game made november 2021